If you own a Kenmore dryer 417 models, chances are you experience flashing lights with no displayed codes.
This is because the lights represent the first letter, or error, and subsequent numbers which determine the problem.
With the Kenmore dryer lights flashing, there could be any number of faults represented.
New-age dryers boast diagnostics systems to highlight problems for owners to fix immediately.
With your Kenmore dryer 417 lights flashing, it could be exhibiting issues with heat and communication.
Lack of adequate ventilation and issues with the lint trap could factor in too.
Check the causes and solutions below to determine what your Kenmore dryer 417 is warning you about.
Kenmore Dryer 417 Lights Flashing – Causes
The four indicator lights represent the first digit of an error code.
These need to be understood using a chart found online, or through your brand agents.
Control board
If the control board has communication issues with other components, there will be flashing lights.
The error code represented here is E10.
This signifies that there is miscommunication within the control board.
Other than having a major case of replacing the part, there is a solution to testing the control board for failure or a simple glitch.
Check the solutions below to stop the Kenmore dryer 417 lights from flashing anymore.
The thermistor might not be misreading temperatures within the dryer.
This occurs if the thermistor is damaged or is simply malfunctioning.
The thermistor might be sending the wrong signals to the control board.
This would cause a situation of the Kenmore dryer 417 lights flashing when indeed the temperatures within are adequate.
Testing the thermistor requires some tools, and gadgets, that are likely available with your local electrician.
Be sure to seek expert consultation to properly access the thermistor.
Exceeded dry time
If the dryer takes longer than usual to dry your load, it will have exceeded the timed drying duration.
This means extra heat in the drum which will also cause the lights to begin flashing.
Chances are the lights will flash even before beginning a new cycle.
They may also flash only a few minutes after starting a new program.
If there is a longer than usual drying time, one needs to open up the dryer and check internal components linked to heat.
Lack of heat
During dryer cycles, there could be a lack of heat due to several factors.
The circuit breakers within the home may have tripped due to power surges and fluctuations.
It means there will be inadequate heat within the drum, thus drying clothes won’t be possible.
This is another reason for the Kenmore dryer 417 lights flashing, with no action from the drum.
The solutions are listed herein and might require seeking the help of a professional electrician.
Malfunctioning keys
If you have a key that is stuck on the control board, you might notice flashing lights on the Kenmore dryer.
Stuck keys are common on any household device especially due to aging.
They could also become stuck because of dirt, grime, excess soap and dirt over the years, or overuse.
Malfunctioning keys can be repaired but there are other long-lasting solutions listed below.
High-limit trips
Chances are your exhausts are blocked, which also includes excess lint within the drum and lint traps.
These instances cause overheating within the drum.
With the Kenmore dryer 417 lights flashing, there could be instances of high-limit thermostat trips.
This occurs when the heat is over the mark likely due to less air flowing through the drum.
It happens when there is a blockage due to excess lint, found around pipes and the lint screen.
Kenmore Dryer 417 Lights Flashing – Solutions
Unplug your Kenmore dryer 417 models from the power source and let it idle for a few minutes.
Plug it back into the electricity supply and input a new program.
The previous settings should have been cleared after removing the unit from the power source.
After inputting a new program and drying cycle, the dryer should proceed accordingly.
This should happen without any more lights flashing.
If indeed the problem persists, try out the solutions listed below.
Thermistor test
Using a multimeter, check your thermistor for resistance.
The readings, according to experts, should fall around 50K ohms. This is the recommended reading.
If the readings are off the charts, meaning they fall way below these numbers, it might be time to replace the thermistor.
There are specific procedures for removing the thermistor and they require a step-by-step process.
This is better practice professionally, after seeking an accredited agent.
Any repairs or replacements centering on electrical parts should be handled carefully.
Exceeded dry time
This occurs due to factors like heating elements being blown.
One needs to open up their Kenmore dryer 417 and examine the heating elements.
If any of these components are faulty, they need to be replaced.
Finding used dryers with working heating elements is not advisable.
Seek OEM parts from legitimate agents to ensure longevity and provide a longer lifespan for your dryer.
If you use a gas dryer, check the burner parts for defects immediately.
A longer drying time might also be the result of a lack of adequate ventilation.
Be sure to check vents for free-flowing air in and out of the unit.
Replace keys
After manually testing all keys and having found a malfunctioning key, replace it immediately.
Some owners remove the key and resort to using a pin or screwdriver as an alternative.
This is not advisable as you might damage the ports and housing even more.
Sourcing new keys is a breeze online.
Simply have the part numbers ready to avoid buying the wrong parts.
You should also seek a credible electrician to help you replace the keys if you are not savvy enough.
Replace Control Board
Once you determine that the electronic control board is faulty, replace it.
You can also check for wiring connections that simply need re-soldering before buying a new board.
A soldering gun is easily available at affordable rates.
However, identifying which part needs to be soldered is something a little more complex.
Using a local technician, find out if it is possible to repair the board.
Otherwise, source a new one from credible online sources and replace it immediately.
No heat issue
Check the circuit breakers within your home for any trips or defects.
Some circuit breakers trip and die in the process.
If there is no heat coming through the drum, there is likely also no power to produce the heat.
The tripping of breakers can be due to power fluctuations and such factors.
If the breakers can be reactivated, it might be worthwhile to check the power supply too.
Other fixes will include ensuring that surge protectors are available for the dryer and the main power supply in general.
How do I Reset My Kenmore Dryer?
1.Turn off circuit breakers that are linked to the Kenmore dryer.
These should be found on the main board within your home.
Turn them off and on to reset the power back to your dryer.
2. Next, unplug the dryer from the power source and let it idle for a few minutes.
Thereafter, plug it back into the power source.
This resets your unit back to its default settings. You may reprogram the machine with a new cycle.
3. There is no reset button on Kenmore dryers.
Thus, a factory reset is all one can perform to test their control board and ensure that it is working optimally.
Bottom Line
Resetting your Kenmore dryer should take a few minutes.
If the problems listed above persist, it might be time to call for professional help.
Replacing parts should not be done haphazardly either.
Seek OEM parts from legitimate suppliers locally, or on credible web-based resources.
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